New Zealand Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins, made a significant move towards strengthening economic ties with China during his visit to Beijing this week. In a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Hipkins emphasized the importance of renewing and expanding business connections between the two nations, which would support New Zealand’s ongoing economic recovery efforts.

According to Hipkins, his primary goal during the meeting with President Xi was to reaffirm the close economic relationship between New Zealand and China. He stressed the need to assist businesses in revitalizing existing partnerships while also fostering new ones, thereby playing a crucial role in bolstering New Zealand’s economic recovery. Hipkins’ visit to China marks his first as the country’s Prime Minister since assuming office in January, and he is accompanied by a delegation representing various sectors, including tourism and education.

New Zealand has recognized China as a vital partner in its quest for post-pandemic economic revival, with officials identifying exports, tourism, and education as three key areas dependent on China’s support. China currently holds the position of New Zealand’s largest export market, and the two countries have maintained a relatively warmer relationship compared to some of New Zealand’s Western allies. While New Zealand has not shied away from expressing concerns over China’s human rights and foreign policies, it has generally experienced less friction with China than other nations in the region, such as Australia.

President Xi welcomed Hipkins’ visit and expressed the “great importance” of the China-New Zealand ties. The official Xinhua News Agency reported that Xi viewed the visit as highly significant, further underscoring the mutual recognition of the countries’ economic potential and the desire to enhance collaboration.

Earlier in the day, Hipkins participated in the World Economic Forum meeting held in Tianjin, a bustling port city in China. Alongside foreign officials, he engaged in discussions on global economic issues and attended a signing ceremony that sealed agreements between four New Zealand exporters and their Chinese counterparts. This ceremony marked a tangible step forward in facilitating increased trade and cooperation between the two nations.

New Zealand’s aspiration to forge closer economic ties with China is rooted in the need for post-recession recovery and sustained growth. As the largest export market for New Zealand goods, China’s influence on the country’s economic landscape cannot be overstated. With Hipkins’ visit serving as a catalyst for renewed connections, it is anticipated that both nations will witness mutually beneficial outcomes in the near future.

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