In accordance with Pauri District Magistrate Vijay Kumar Jogande, the curfew will be levied from the Kotdwar Municipal Corporation region of Pauri district, Swargashram and Laxmanjhula.
The curfew may even remain set up in Dehra Dun district, Haldwani Municipal Corporation, Lalkuan Nagar Panchayat, and also Ramnagar aspects of Nainital area between April 27 and May 3.
Uttarakhand reported 4,368 fresh COVID-19 cases, 1,748 recoveries, along with 44 deaths on Sunday. Their nation has 35,864 active scenarios, as the death toll has increased to 2,164.
Even the Uttarakhand government had stated that federal offices will stay closed from April 23 to April 28 as a step to restrain the spread of COVID-19.
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