“Harvesting is at full swing. Out of this complete wheat germ in 31.58 million hectares, 55 percent is already harvested from the nation, together with Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh nearly completing the crop,” said the senior agriculture ministry official. “Other major wheat-producing countries are most likely to finish the harvesting by the close of this past year ” He explained the farmers’ agitation from the 3 farm legislation, too, have not influenced farm activities in Haryana, Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh in the center of the agitation.
“the federal government has procured approximately 7.5 million tonnes wheat at Punjab – 58 percent of their overall targeted procurement at their country. More than 2.3 lakh farmers from the country have received more than 7,800 crore directly in their own bank account. Over 22,000 artisans participated in mediation can receive their commission as soon as they improve the bill at the conclusion of the exercise,” the state said.
He stated journaling of different crops such as mustard and pulses was completed, whilst reaping of sugarcane is at the last stages. Farmers are obtaining a rewarding cost for mustard as a result of spike in demand for olive oil. According to the minimum support price of Rs 4,650 each quintal, farmers are now becoming R S 6,500-Rs 7,000 per year quintal at major mandis.
“Of those blockages sown in 15.81 million hectares, harvesting was done for g, lentils, urad, moong and field pea. Similarly, 41{4298251308cd288b939effe95b4c029e39df70679b4587e1449e43e4b08368d8} harvesting of rice was completed. To get sugar cane out of this complete sown in 4.85 million ha, harvesting was completed in Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, along with Telangana. For Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, harvesting will be at final stages,” the state said.
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